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Red Army soldier id tag, type 1941
Red Army soldier id tag. Type 1941, original. Made form of ebonite / textolite black pencil case. Inside, on parchment paper in duplicate, were the personal data of the fighter.
Red Army soldier id tag in the form of a pencil case was approved by the order NKO of the USSR No. 138 dated 03/15/1941. Inside the soldier id tag it was prescribed to wear an insert measuring 40 x 180 mm. The insert consisted of two identical forms. One of the forms was to be withdrawn by a funeral team, while the other remained in a pencil case on the body of a soldier. On the basis of the form, withdrawn from the soldiers id tag, the data of the fighter who was killed or remained on the battlefield was established. Lists of losses were compiled. The case itself was supposed to be sewn up in a special pocket on the belt of pants or trousers.
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- Price: 18.20 USD