- Buckles
- WW2 german belt buckles
- Wehrmacht police belt buckle
- WW2 german RAD belt buckle
- WW1 german solider belt buckle
- Wehrmacht railroad belt buckle
- German Luftwaffe belt buckle, type 1
- German SS belt buckle
- German HJ belt buckle
- German Studentenbund belt buckle
- German Reichsluftschutzbund belt buckle
- German SS belt buckle
- WW2 German Wehrmacht belt buckle
- German Luftwaffe belt buckle, type 2
- WW2 German Wehrmacht belt buckle
- German DAF belt buckle
- German kriegsmarine belt buckle
- German Red Cross belt buckle
- German Luftschutz belt buckle
- German Luftwaffe belt buckle, type 2
- German HJ belt buckle
- German SA belt buckle
- German SS belt buckle
- German Luftschutz belt buckle
- WW2 german belt buckles
- Gorget patches
- Gorget patches USSR
- USSR Collar Tab, Infantry solider. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab, Signal Corps. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab, Medical troops. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab, Infantry officer, Сaptain, Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab overcoat. Infantry officer, Major. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab. Infantry officer, Lieutenant. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab. Chemical troops. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab. Technical troops, Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab. Cavalry. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab. Chemical troops SERGEANT. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab. Border officer, Sub-Lieutenant. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab. Border guard. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab, Artillery. Type 1935
- USSR Field Collar Tab, officer Сaptain. Type 1941
- USSR Field Collar Tab. Оfficer, Lieutenant. Type 1941
- USSR Field Collar Tab. Type 1941
- USSR Field Collar Tab, Head-SERGEANT. Type 1941
- USSR Collar Tab, NKVD. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab, Tankman. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab, Air Force. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab overcoat, Air Force, Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab. Car troops, Ml. SERGEANT. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab on Infantry overcoat
- USSR Collar Tab on Cavalry overcoat
- USSR Collar Tab, Artillery SERGEANT. Type 1935
- USSR Field Collar Tab. Officer, Sub-Lieutenant. Type 1941
- USSR Collar Tab on Cavalry overcoat
- USSR Collar Tab on Border guard overcoat
- USSR Collar Tab on Infantry overcoat
- USSR Collar Tab on Artillery and Tank overcoat
- USSR Collar Tab on Technical troops overcoat
- USSR Collar Tab. Car troops. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab, Artillery officer, Lieutenant. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab. Cavalry Ml.SERGEANT. Type 1935
- USSR Field Collar Tab, officer Major. Type 1941
- USSR Collar Tab, SERGEANT NKVD. Type 1935
- USSR Collar Tab overcoat, Artillery officer Сaptain. Type 1935
- USSR Field Collar Tab, SERGEANT. Type 1941
- USSR Field Collar Tab, Ml.SERGEANT. Type 1941
- Gorget patches USSR
- Badges, medals, stripes
- Africa
- Albania
- Austria
- Austria Hungary
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #001 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #002 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #003 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #004 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #005 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #006 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #007 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #008 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #009 COPY
- Medal for 25 Years Meritorious Service in Field of Firefighting
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #010 COPY
- Jubilee medal 1898
- Jubilee Cross 1908
- Karl Troop Cross
- Jubilee medal 1898
- Jubilee medal 1898
- War Medal 1873
- Bravery Medal
- Bravery Medal
- Jubilee Cross 1908
- Bravery Medal
- Jubilee Cross 1908
- Jubilee medal 1898
- Iron Cross of Merit
- War Cross for Civilian Merit, 2.Class
- Ribbon for the award of Austria-Hungary #011 COPY
- Union of War Veterans of Dolni Rychnov
- Karl Troop Cross
- Jubilee medal 1898
- Jubilee medal 1898
- Silver Medal for Bravery, 1st Class
- Medal for 25 Years Meritorious Service in Field of Firefighting
- Medal for 40 years of Loyal Service
- Jubilee Cross 1908
- Jubilee medal 1898
- Iron Cross of Merit
- War Medal 1873
- Medal for 25 Years Meritorious Service in Field of Firefighting
- Medal for wounding
- Iron Cross of Merit
- Medal for 40 years of Loyal Service
- Bravery Medal
- War Medal 1873
- Jubilee medal 1898
- Belgium
- Medal of Military Combatant of War 1940 1945
- Medal Commemorating War 1914-1918
- Labor Badge 1.class
- Labor Badge 2.class
- Gold Medal of the Order of Leopold
- Order of the Crown Golden Palms
- Miniature Labor Badge 1.class
- Medal for Social Security Worker
- Medal Commemorating Reign of Leopold II
- Medal Commemorating Reign of Leopold II
- Gold Medal of the Order of Leopold
- Medal for Civil Service 1st class
- Medal of the 25th Anniversary of the National Exhibition
- Bulgaria
- Medal for 100th Anniversary of Georgy Dimitrov
- Medal for the 30th Victory of the Anniversary Over Germany
- Medal for the 25th Anniversary of People's Power
- Order of the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria 3rd class
- Medal for the 30th Victory of the Anniversary Over Germany
- Medal for 100th Anniversary of April Insurection
- Medal for 100th Anniversary of Liberation of Bulgaria
- Order of Labour 2nd class
- Medal for 40th Anniversary of Socialist Bulgaria
- National Order of Labour 1.class
- Medal for the 30th Victory of the Anniversary Over Germany
- Medal for 100th Anniversary of April Insurection
- Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius 1st class
- Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius 1st class
- Distinguished Labour Service Medal
- Order of Red Banner
- Medal 25 years of Civil Defense. SAMPLE
- Order of Maternal Glory 2nd class
- Medal 1300 years of Bulgaria
- China
- Countries in the territory of the former USSR
- Transnistria Medal 10 years of the Republic
- Transnistria Medal 15 years of the Republic
- Moldova Medal 60 years of Victory 1945 2005
- Transnistria Medal for Combat Merit
- Transnistria Medal for Labour Heroism
- Transnistria Medal 15 years of police
- Moldova Medal 60 years of Victory 1945 2005
- Transnistria Set awards
- Lithuania Junior competition 2nd place 1959
- Czechoslovakia
- Medal for the 20th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising
- Medal for 20th Anniversary of Liberation of Czechoslovakia
- Medal for Service to Homeland
- National Security Corps Service Medal
- Revolutionary Medal
- Medal of Merit for Construction of the CSR, number 2217
- Revolutionary Medal
- Order of Labour without a number
- Medal for Service to Homeland
- Honored Health Worker
- Medal 40 years of people's militia
- Medal for merits in the construction of the Strakonice region.
- Medal for Czechoslovak volunteers from 1919
- Medal 40 years of peoples militia
- Medal for 40th Anniversary of Liberation of Czechoslovakia
- Medal for Service to Homeland
- National Security Corps Long Service Medal
- Order of Labour
- Honour Badge of Motherhood III. degrees
- Great listener badge
- Czechoslovakia Victory Medal 1914 1919
- Soldier of exemplary unit
- Badge of Merit. Union of Disabled People
- Czechoslovakia Medal for Labor Devotion
- Builder of the Youth Union. Kralupy
- Excellent mechanical engineering worker
- Cross of Czechoslovak Volunteers 1918-1919
- Opening of Czech schools in Tanvalde 1924
- Let's complete the two-year plan 1947 1949
- Participant of the LTU festival 1955
- National Security Corps Long Service Medal
- Slovakia Medal for Service in Peacekeeping Missions
- Fighter of the Revolution 1945
- Order of February 25, 3rd degree
- Medal for Merit in Service to the Homeland
- Order of the Red Banner of Labor 1st type
- Medal 30 years of the Corps of the National Security
- National Security Corps Service Medal
- Medal for Merit in Border Protection
- Czechoslovakia is ready for work and defense. III
- Czechoslovakia is ready for work and defense. PPOV
- Czechoslovakia is ready for work and defense. PPOV - I
- Honorary Badge of the People's Militia
- Medal for a Volunteer Police Assistant
- Czechoslovakia is ready for work and defense. PPOV - I
- Slovakia Red Cross Badge for 10 years of service
- Medal of the Czechoslovak Army Abroad 1939-1945
- Soldier of exemplary unit
- War Cross 1939
- Czechoslovakia Honored Worker of the Central Bohemian Mechanical Plant
- Military Political School of J.Haken
- Czechoslovakia Be prepared for work and defense. BPPOV-I
- Infantry School
- Revolutionary Medal
- Medal 40 years of peoples militia
- Military academy graduate badge
- Warsaw Pact Armies Exercise SHIELD 1972
- Warsaw Pact Armies Exercise SHIELD 1984
- Czechoslovakia Parachutist Badge 3rd Class
- Czechoslovakia Victory Medal 1914 1919
- Czechoslovakia Victory Medal 1914 1919
- Medal for Merit in Service to the Homeland
- Medal for Strengthening the Military Community, 3rd class
- Military Political School of J.Haken
- Badge for riflemen 3rd degree
- Medal of the Czechoslovak Army Abroad 1939-1945
- Military Political School of J.Haken
- Czechoslovakia Victory Medal 1914 1919
- Czechoslovakia Victory Medal 1914 1919
- Revolutionary Medal
- Excellent artilleryman
- Badge for Labor 1947
- Badge for Labor 1946
- Exemplary teacher
- Czechoslovak Army in Great Britain
- Order of Red Star
- France
- Badge of the 34th Engineer Regiment
- Badge of the 35th Artillery Parachute Regiment
- Order of Legion of Honour 5. Class
- Cross of War 1914 1918
- Marine Corps Training Group Badge
- Badge of the 23rd Infantry Regiment
- Badge of the 27rd Infantry Regiment
- Badge 63 Divisional Company Champagne Ardennes
- Badge of the Knight of the Order of Social Merit
- Badge of the 4th Marine Regiment
- Badge of the French contingent in Germany
- Badge of the 1st Naval Artillery Regiment
- Germany
- GDR Fighting Groups of the Working Class Medal of Merit 3.st
- GDR Order of the Banner of Labour 3 klass
- War Merit Cross Medal 1939
- GDR Medal for 20 years Service in Fighting Groups of Working Class
- Anschluss Medal
- Commemorative Medal of the German Veterans Society 1914 1918
- Iron Cross II Class 1914
- Eastern Front Medal 1941 42
- Iron Cross II Class 1914
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918, bronze
- Bronze Meritorious Medal of the Combat Detachments of the Worker Class
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918
- GDR Medal for faithful service in the armed bodies
- GDR Medal for 15 years of service in the Ministry of the Interior
- GDR Medal for Distinguished Achievements in the Armed Forces
- GDR Order for Merit to the Fatherland in a box
- GDR Order of the Banner of Labour 3 klass
- GDR Bronze medal for merits of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
- GDR Medal for faithful service in the armed bodies
- West Wall Medal
- War Merit Cross 1939
- Germany Infantry Assault Badge
- Germany Cross for 40 years of civil service
- Heidelberg Shooting Medal 1935
- Germany Infantry Assault Badge
- Commemorative Medal 1849
- Commemorative Chinese Medal 1901
- Cross of Honor of German Mother 3.class Bronze
- Minesweeper Badge
- Medal Saxony floods 2002
- Germany Cross for 25 years of civil service
- GDR Medal for 15 years Service in Fighting Groups of Working Class
- GDR Medal for 15 years of service in the Ministry of the Interior
- War Merit Cross 1939
- GDR Order of the Banner of Labour 3 klass
- Germany Infantry Assault Badge
- GDR medal for loyal services in health in silver
- Germany Cross for 40 years of civil service
- War Merit Cross 1939
- Eastern Front Medal 1941 42
- Ribbon for the War Merit Cross 1939
- FRG Germany Medal of the Order of Merit of Germany
- Badge RLB
- Bavarian Fire Cross
- FRG Germany Medal of the Order of Merit of Germany
- FRG Order of Merit for Germany 1st class
- Honor Cross of World War 1914 1918
- Great Britain
- Hungary
- Medal for Service to Country
- Medal for Service to Country
- Medal for 10 years of military service in a box
- Medal for 10 years of service in the Fire Department 1958
- Medal for 5 years of service in the Fire Department 1958
- Medal for 15 years of service
- Medal for excellent work
- Flood Control Medal
- Medal for 10 years of service
- Medal for the Liberation of Southern Hungary 1941
- Slovakia Commemorative Medal 1938
- Ribbon for the award of Hungary #001 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Hungary #002 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Hungary #003 COPY
- Slovakia Commemorative Medal 1938
- Ribbon for the award of Hungary #004 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Hungary #005 COPY
- Ribbon for the award of Hungary #006 COPY
- Medal for 10 years of service
- Hungarian War Commemorative Medal
- Italy
- Commemorative Medal of the Unity of Italy
- Long Service Cross, 25 Years
- Commemorative Medal for the Italo-Austrian War 1915 1918
- Meritorious Service Medal for Longtime Command in the Army
- War Merit Cross
- Commemorative Medal of the Unity of Italy
- Commemorative Medal of the Unity of Italy
- Commemorative Medal for the Libyan Campaign 1912
- Commemorative Medal of the Unity of Italy
- Japan
- Mongolia
- Medal 40th Years of the Victory at Khalkin Gol
- Honorary Medal of Labour
- Choibalsan shooter
- Mongolia. MAI - Mongolian Airlines
- Combinat badge 1934-1984
- Medal 60 years of the Armed Forces with document
- Badge 50 years of the Mongolian Republic
- Medal 40th Years of the Victory at Khalkin Gol
- Flag badge
- Mongolia. South Gobi. Camel
- Society for Assistance to National Defense
- Spartakiad
- North Korea
- Poland
- Victory and Freedom Medal 1945
- Medal for the Oder, Nisu, Baltic 1945
- RP Cross of Merit 3.class
- The Order of Polonia Restituta 1944 5.class
- The Order of Polonia Restituta 1944 5.class
- Medal 40 years of People Poland
- Order of Banner of Labour 2nd class
- Medal for the Oder, Nisu, Baltic 1945
- Medal for long marriage
- Cross of Combat Action of Polish Armed Forces in West
- Romania
- Russia and USSR
- USSR Medal Veteran of Labor
- USSR Medal 20 years of Victory 1945 1965
- USSR Medal Zhukov 1896 1996
- USSR Medal 30 years of Victory 1945 1965
- Russia Medal for Merit in Technical Support
- Submarine Tyumensky Komsomolets
- Russia Medal of Young Army Valor 2nd degree
- USSR Medal 40 years of Victory 1945 1985
- USSR Medal in Commemoration of 100th Birthday of V.I. Lenin
- USSR Badge Steeplechase. 2nd rank
- USSR Medal for the Defense of the Caucasus
- USSR Medal 20 years of Victory 1945 1965
- Russia Medal of the Russian University of Cooperation
- USSR Excellent signalman
- Russia Medal for the Defense of Lugansk
- CMEA 20th anniversary of the Coal Industry Commission
- Russia Medal for 2st place in military competitions
- USSR Ready for work and defense. 1nd level
- Russia Medal 110 years of automobile troops
- USSR Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy. Transport
- Russia Medal 50 years of Victory 1945 1995
- Russia Medal 60 years of non-departmental security
- USSR Medal for 15 years of service in the army
- Russia Medal 20 years MosEnergo
- Medal in Commemoration of 100th Birthday of V.I. Lenin
- USSR Medal for the construction of the SOYUZ gas pipeline
- Worker Supply Department (ORS)
- USSR Medal 20 years of Victory 1945 1965
- Russia Medal Mikhail Galkin Vraskoy. For special merits
- Russia Patron's Medal. For Mercy
- USSR Medal for Commemoration of 1500 Years of Kiev
- USSR Ready for work and defense. 2nd level. Excellent
- Russia Medal 85th Anniversary of the North Caucasus Institute MIA
- Medal for 70 Years of Armed Forces of USSR
- Medal For Valiant Labour in Great Patriotic War
- Russia Medal 50 years of Victory 1945 1995
- USSR Medal 40 years of Victory 1945 1965
- Medal for 60 Years of Armed Forces of USSR
- Russia Medal I.A. Kolyshkin
- Medal in Commemoration of 100th Birthday of V.I. Lenin
- Russia Medal artist Grekov
- USSR Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy. Construction
- Russia Medal of the Union of Reserve Officers. Marshal Yazov
- Russia Medal 70 years of metrological service
- Military University of Foreign Languages
- USSR Medal for 15 years of service in the army
- Russia Medal for the development of Dzerzhinsk
- USSR Pedagogical Institute Graduate Badge
- Set of USSR awards for a citizen of Czechoslovakia
- Military Naval Academy VVMU
- USSR Medal 30 years of Victory 1945 1965
- USSR Excellent police officer
- USSR To labor records 1963
- USSR Medal 40 years of Victory 1945 1985
- Medal for 50 Years of Armed Forces of USSR
- Russia Medal Winner of the 5th National Economy Olympiad
- Order of the Patriotic War for a citizen of Czechoslovakia
- Set of USSR awards for a citizen of Czechoslovakia
- Russia FSS For military cooperation
- USSR Medal for Capture of Berlin
- USSR Medal for 40 Years of Armed Forces of USSR
- USSR University Graduate Badge
- USSR Badge of the Technical Institute
- Russia Honorary Worker of General Education
- USSR Medal 20 years of Victory 1945 1965
- USSR 40 years of the October Revolution
- Russia Medal for the liquidation of the accident on the Bureya River
- USSR Badge of the Technical Institute
- USSR Ready for work and defense. 2nd level. Excellent
- Russia Medal of the Union of Veterans of Kabardino-Balkaria
- An excellent propagandist of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Leader of the Stalinist draft
- Leader of the Stalinist draft
- USSR Military Transport Academy
- Russia Medal Command and Staff Exercises Vostok-2018
- Russia Medal for service in electronic troops
- Russia Honorary employee of the bailiff service
- USSR Police veteran. Kharkiv region
- USSR Badge Peace
- Russia Medal for military-patriotic education
- USSR Komsomol Leader of international socialist competition
- USSR Military pilot badge 3rd class
- Medal for Victory over Germany 1941 1945
- USSR Military pilot badge 3rd class
- USSR Military pilot badge 2rd class
- USSR Military pilot badge 1rd class
- USSR Military pilot sniper badge
- USSR Military navigator badge 3rd class
- USSR Military navigator badge 2rd class
- USSR Military navigator badge 1rd class
- USSR Badge of the Technical technical school
- Russia Honorary employee of the inspection for minors
- Airplane Tu-104
- RSFSR Volleyball 3rd place
- USSR Medal for 15 years of service in the army
- USSR Graduate of the pedagogical college
- USSR All-Union Student Games 1958
- Badge GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) . Mondvor
- 2 All-Union Spartakiad of Technical School Students 1957
- USSR Medal for 40 Years of Armed Forces of USSR
- Ribbon for the Medal For the Liberation of Belgrade
- Ribbon for the medal for the liberation of Warsaw
- Ribbon for the Medal for the Capture of Vienna
- Ribbon for the medal for the capture of Budapest
- Ribbon for the medal for Partisan of the Patriotic War 1st
- USSR Komsomol Leader of international socialist competition
- USSR Badge of the graduate of the agricultural institute
- USSR All-Union Agricultural Exhibition 1930 40s
- Ribbon for the medal For the defense of Stalingrad
- Ribbon for the medal For the defense of Leningrad
- Ribbon for the medal For the defense the Caucasus
- Ribbon for the medal For labor valor
- Ribbon for the medal 50 years of the USSR Armed Forces
- Ribbon for the medal 30 years of victory in the War of 1941 1945
- Ribbon for the medal For the capture of Berlin
- Ribbon for the Order of the Red Banner
- Medal 25 years of the North-West District Internal Affairs Directorate
- USSR Badge for graduating from an agricultural technical school
- Ribbon for the medal for the liberation of Prague
- Ribbon for the medal 60 years of the USSR Armed Forces
- Ribbon for the medal 40 years of victory in the War of 1941 1945
- Ribbon for the medal For merits in protecting the state border
- Russia Medal for the development of the Susuman district
- USSR Medal for the Defense of the Caucasus
- USSR Medal Veteran of Labor
- Russia Medal 50 years of Victory 1945 1995
- Ribbon for the Order of the Red Banner of Labor
- Russia Medal In memory of the 50th anniversary of military unit 01349
- Russia Medal for 1st place in military competitions
- 25 years of CMEA
- USSR University Graduate Badge
- USSR Parachutist instructor, 110 jumps
- USSR Excellence in Education of the Georgian SSR
- Russia Medal 60 years of Victory 1945 2005
- Medal for 30 Years of Armed Forces of USSR
- USSR Medal 40 years of Victory 1945 1985
- Russia Medal 65 years of Victory 1945 2010
- Russia Medal 60 years of non-departmental security in Kaluga
- Medal for 70 Years of Armed Forces of USSR
- USSR Excellence in Soviet Trade of the Georgian SSR
- Russia Medal 150 years of the Western Military District
- USSR NTO Scientific and Technical Society
- Badge GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) 2nd degree
- Russia Medal For the campaign in China 1900 1901
- Ribbon for the medal for Combat Merit
- Ribbon for the medal for Bravery
- Ribbon for the medal for Defence of Moscow
- Ribbon for the medal for Development of Virgin Lands
- Ribbon for the medal For Courage in a Fire
- Ribbon for the medal for Strengthening Military Cooperation
- Ribbon for the Order of Glory
- Ribbon for the Order of Labour Glory 3. Class
- Ribbon for the Order of Badge of Honour
- Ribbon for the medal For the protection of public order
- Ribbon for the medal for Construction of Baikal-Amur Railroad
- Ribbon for the medal for 30 Years of Soviet Army and Navy
- Ribbon for the medal for 40 Years of Soviet Army and Navy
- Ribbon for the medal for Victory over Japan
- Medal for Capture of Koenigsberg
- Badge of the Dukhnovic Society
- Ribbon for the medal For Defense of Soviet Transpolar Region
- Ribbon for the medal for Capture of Koenigsberg
- Ribbon for the medal For Defence of Kiev
- Ribbon for the medal For Defence of Sevastopol
- Ribbon for the medal for Defense of Odessa
- Ribbon for the medal for Distinguished Labour
- USSR Lenin
- Medal for Victory over Germany 1941 1945
- USSR Employee of Krasnoyarsk department store
- Russia Medal 55 years of the Military Technical University
- USSR Medal for Commemoration of 1500 Years of Kiev
- Medal For the Liberation of Warsaw
- Russia Medal for Diligence
- Russia Medal 70 years of the police department, Petrovka 38
- USSR Medal For Valiant Labour in Great Patriotic War
- Emigration Badge DN 1920
- USSR Medal for 10 years of service in the army
- USSR Badge for completing a military school
- Russia Medal 70 years of the 11th Guards Army
- USSR Graduate of the pedagogical college
- Ribbon for the Order of Lenin
- Russia Medal 25 years of the Moscow Western District Police Department
- Russia Medal for assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Russia Medal 20 years 58th army
- USSR Lenin
- USSR Military railway school
- USSR Komsomol Leader of international socialist competition
- USSR Badge Kremlin
- USSR Badge of class for soldiers and sergeants. 1st class
- Badge Festival
- USSR Badge
- USSR Badge Peace
- USSR Weightlifting. 1st degree
- USSR Athletics 1st degree
- USSR All-Union Agricultural Exhibition
- USSR Excellent Soviet Army, screw
- USSR ROSPROMSOVET Exhibition 1959
- USSR Space Moon 1960
- USSR Czechoslovakia Friendship Train 1984
- USSR Suvorov Military School
- USSR Order of Honor
- USSR Medal for the Victory over Japan
- USSR Sports qualification badge 3st category
- Russia Patrons Medal. Honor and Benefit
- Championship of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Physical Culture
- Championship of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Physical Culture
- Championship of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Physical Culture
- Championship of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Physical Culture
- USSR Moscow
- USSR Pioneer badge
- USSR Judge Sports Committee of Friendly Armies
- USSR VLKSM badge
- USSR Badge of officer class. 1st class
- USSR Youth Festival 1957
- USSR Sudoimport
- USSR Excellent Air Force
- USSR Sports club MATI
- USSR Rally for Peace and Friendship 1965
- USSR Youth Festival in Moscow 1957
- USSR For peace and friendship
- USSR Olympics 1964 Tokyo
- USSR Peace to the World
- Latvian SSR. Excellent. Young friend of the police.
- USSR Moscow
- USSR Moscow
- USSR Moscow
- USSR 1 May
- USSR Sports qualification badge 3st category
- USSR 30 years of the Baksan mountaineering camp
- USSR Space. Vostok 3 and Vostok 4
- USSR 1917 1957
- USSR Sports Committee of Friendly Armies
- USSR 9th Congress of DOSAAF
- USSR Sports badge. Friendship
- USSR VLKSM badge
- Championship of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Physical Culture
- MVTU Festival 1957
- USSR Medal for the Liberation of Prague
- USSR Complete set of orders and medals of the Red Army sergeant
- USSR Medal for the Capture of Vienna
- Russia Medal 300th Anniversary of the House of Romanov
- USSR Festival 1957 Dynamo Plant
- USSR The first Soviet satellite 1957
- USSR 800 years of Moscow
- USSR DOSAAF Volunteer Rescuer
- USSR Moscow
- USSR Flight to the Moon in November 1959
- USSR Space
- USSR Festival 1957
- USSR The third festival of the Moldavian SSR
- USSR Space First satelit
- USSR Young tourist
- USSR The Fourth All Union Spartakiad of Students 1957
- USSR Best Young Sanitary Guard 1st degree
- USSR Sports society Lokomotiv
- USSR Order of the Red Banner
- USSR Russian souvenir
- USSR Russian souvenir
- Russia Medal for Bravery
- USSR Order of Honor
- USSR Medal for the Victory over Japan
- USSR Badge of class for soldiers and sergeants. Master
- USSR Order of Maternal Glory 3rd degree
- USSR Irkutsk hydroelectric power station 1959
- USSR Moscow, Peace, Disarmament
- USSR VI Festival of Youth and Students Moscow 1957
- USSR Space 15 May 1960
- USSR Two medals of the Red Army soldier
- USSR Spartakiad 1959
- USSR Third Youth Games in Moscow 1957
- Russia Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for mine clearance
- Russia Medal for Fighting Coronavirus
- Russia Medal Veteran of the Armed Forces
- Russia Medal 100 years of the October Revolution
- Russia Medal 30 years of Operation Danube
- Russia Medal 35 years of the Chernobyl disaster
- Russia Medal Yuri Gagarin
- Russia Medal 30 years of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan
- USSR 15 years of the Palace of Pioneers in Riga
- Russia Medal for participant in the battles in the North Caucasus
- Russia Medal 75 years of Airborne Forces
- Russia Medal General Ermolov
- Ribbon for the Order of Friendship
- Ribbon for the Order of the October Revolution
- USSR Sport Ball
- USSR Peaceful Atom
- USSR Ready for Sanitary Defense
- USSR Cockade of the officer's cap of the Red Army
- USSR Medal for Commemoration of 800 Years of Moscow
- USSR Order of Honor
- USSR Order of Honor
- Medal for Capture of Koenigsberg
- Medal for 30 Years of Armed Forces of USSR
- Vladimir Festival 1957
- USSR Order of the Patriotic War 2nd degree, model 1985
- USSR Medal for bravery
- Russia Medal of the 100th Anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812
- USSR VLKSM badge
- Syria
- Vietnam
- Yugoslavia
- Medal of 30 years of JNA
- Bravery Medal
- Medal of National Merit
- Order of Brotherhood and Unity 2.Class
- Order of Yugoslav Banner 5.class , number 77
- Order of Military Merit 3.class
- Serbia Brass Medal Pierre I and Alexander Journée Serbe 1916
- Order of the Partisan Star 3nd class
- Order of National Merit 3rd class
- Order of Labor 3rd class
- Inductee Training Medal
- Medal of National Merit
- Medal of Labour
- Distinguished Marksman Medal
- Medal of Military Merit
- Shoulder boards
- German wehrmacht shoulder boards
- Wehrmacht Infantry Shoulder Boards
- Wehrmacht motorized infantry Shoulder Boards
- Wehrmacht Signal Corps Shoulder Boards
- Wehrmacht Gendarmerie Shoulder Boards
- SS soldier, medic Shoulder Boards
- German infantry of the Wehrmacht Shoulder Boards, model 1936
- SS soldier, Artillery Shoulder Boards
- SS Infantry Shoulder Boards
- German motorized infantry of the Wehrmacht Shoulder Boards, model 1936
- German motorized infantry of the SS Shoulder Boards
- Wehrmacht Infantry Shoulder Boards Unterfeldwebel
- SS Infantry Shoulder Boards Unterscharfuhrer
- Wehrmacht sapper Shoulder Boards
- SS soldier, Tanker Shoulder Boards
- Red army shoulder boards
- Field soviet shoulder boards for red army infantry private, Type 1943
- Field soviet shoulder boards for red army cavalry officer, Type 1943
- Field soviet shoulder boards for red army border guard officer, t.1943
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, Cavalry Lance Sergeant, Type 1943
- Field soviet shoulder boards, Artillery and ABTV privates, Type 1943
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, Artillery and ABTV Lance Sergeant
- Field soviet shoulder boards, infantry high officer, Type 1943
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, Artillery and ABTV private
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, Artillery and ABTV Lance-corporal
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, Infantry Sergeant, Type 1943
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, Air Force private
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, Cavalry private
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, medic or veterinarian petty officer
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, Infantry Lance Sergeant, Type 1943
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards infantry private, Type 1943
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards infantry Lance-corporal, Type 1943
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, Artillery and ABTV Sergeant
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards for Cavalry sergeant, Type 1943
- Field soviet shoulder boards, medic
- Field soviet shoulder boards for red army border guard L.Sergeant
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, red army medic petty offic (Sergeant)
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards, medic petty officer (STARSHINA)
- Everyday soviet shoulder boards NKVD private, Type 1943
- Field soviet shoulder boards, Air Force private, Type 1943
- Field soviet shoulder boards, Air Force Lance-corporal, Type 1943
- Field soviet shoulder boards for red army Artillery officer, Type 1943
- Field soviet shoulder boards for red army border guard, Type 1943
- German wehrmacht shoulder boards
- Uniforms and Military equipment
- Red army WW2 uniform
- Russian WW2 map case. Type 1941, original
- Russian winter mittens. Three fingers WW2 mittens. Model 1939
- Russian mens knit gloves
- Russian ww2 brass buttons. Soviet overcoat buttons.
- Russian ww2 brass buttons. Soviet shirt buttons
- Cover for soviet army hydro flask. Model 1937
- Soviet army bread bag. Type 1941
- Officers Cap, model 1941
- Green star for sewing
- Gas mask bag, type 1934
- Red army WW2 uniform
- Weapons
- Cartridge bag
- Spare parts and accessories
- Mosin screwdriver
- Screwdriver or the machine PPSH
- Nagant M1895 wooden grips
- Tokarev TT33 ramrod
- Tokarev TT33 pistol grips
- Ramrod Cleaning Rod for PPsH 41
- Mosin Ramrod
- Ramrod Cleaning Rod for SVT-40
- Mosin bolt
- Mosin bent bolt
- Mosin cocking knob
- Mosin Firing Pin
- Mosin Firing pin spring
- Mosin Interrupter with ejector
- Rear sight bas for Mosin rifle type 1930
- Nagant M1895 trigger guard
- Nagant M1895 Hammer
- Mosin Follower
- Mosin bolt connector
- Nagant M1895 Loading hatch
- Mosin trigger
- Nagant M1895 trigger
- Nagant M1895 Ramrod spring screw
- Nagant M1895 loading hatch spring
- Nagant M1895 safety catch
- Nagant M1895 safety catch screw
- Nagant M1895 loading hatch spring screw
- Nagant M1895 Ejector rod spring
- Nagant M1895 Hammer block
- Nagant M1895 Cylinder sleeve with spring
- Nagant M1895 Trigger guard screw
- Tokarev TT33 Barrel bushing
- Tokarev TT33 Slide latch
- Tokarev TT33 Slide stop retainer clip
- Tokarev TT33 Disconnector
- Tokarev TT33 Firing pin retainer pin
- Tokarev TT33 Firing pin with spring
- Tokarev TT33 Extractor with pin and spring
- Nagant M1895 grips
- Mosin Front Sight
- Mosin Trigger pin
- Mosin Extractor
- Mosin Receiver Tang Screw
- Mosin Magazine tang screw
- Mosin Interrupter screw
- Mosin Sear
- Nagant M1895 Ejector rod sleeve
- Mosin sear screw
- Original Mosin-Nagant 3,5x22 PU Scope Side Rail
- Nagant M1895 Middle screw
- Nagant M1895 Main spring
- Nagant M1895 Ejector rod
- Nagant M1895 Sideplate
- Nagant M1895 Front sight type 1930
- Nagant M1895 Loading gate screw
- Nagant M1895 Connect screw
- K98 Mauser Firing pin with spring
- K98 Mauser magazine spring
- K98 Mauser Trigger Guard
- K98 Mauser Extractor Collar
- Tokarev TT33 Barrel link
- Tokarev TT33 Recoil spring retainer
- Tokarev TT33 Hammer
- Tokarev TT33 Recoil spring guide
- Tokarev TT33 Trigger return spring
- Tokarev TT33 Trigger
- Tokarev TT33 Hammer spring
- Tokarev TT33 Rear sight
- Mauser K98 Extractor
- Trigger with sear Mauser K98
- Front Sight set Mauser K98
- Rear sight bas for Mauser K98
- K98 Mauser Buttplate
- Lower band for Mauser K98
- Front band for Mauser K98
- Mauser K98 Ejector and Bolt stop set
- Mauser K98 Floorplate
- Mauser K98 Follower
- K98 Mauser Bolt Sleeve
- K98 Mauser Cocking Piece
- Tokarev TT33 Sear with spring
- Mauser K98 Bayonet Stud
- K98 Mauser safety
- Tokarev TT33 Recoil spring
- Tokarev TT33 Magazine catch set
- Tokarev TT33 Barrel link pin
- Nagant M1895 Trigger hand
- Nagant M1895 Recoil plate
- Mosin floorplate latch screw
- Contacts
- Cookies
- Personal data protection
- Mauser K98 parts
- Mosin M1891 parts
- Nagant M1895 parts
- Payment and delivery
- Tokarev TT-33 parts
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